This is just few examples  


Bailey was rescued by Justine, when she lost her human Mama. 

she's 9 years old and blind, but she adapted very well to her new life in the sanctuary.

This little love rescued from sousse now named Bardo his eye was treated today started his 10day treatment and removal after ..

Then he can be vaccinated getting ready to start his new life in Spain


Blanc was hit by a car and left with broken back.

He was recovering 3 months in a plastic bed bowl and hand fed.

An absolutely beautiful boy,  completely recovered from his injuries .

He is still a bit nervous around new people and visitors but with the right family,

which can give him time, love and patience , he will be a great, loving companion.💙


Blondie ...the sweet little gun shot victim.💛


Papa Bear was abandoned and lost his home just because he was old and paralysed.

But at least last few months of his life he knew that he is loved.

Have a rest Papa Bear 🌈❤️


High Five is getting ready for an adoption in Switzerland 🤞She is full of life and love little sweet girl. 💜

urgent !!!   We are looking for a Flight Buddy to Switzerland for her



Marley Moo has Leishmaniasis.  He had his treatment and now is in great condition and health.

Mix lab, full of energy, extremely intelligent, great addition for an energetic family to have lots of fun and adventures together. 💙

Please consider Marley Moo for an adoption.


Angel was dumped outside the shelter one morning in September'21

She is vaccinated and waiting for an adoption 💗


Benny Joe was hit by the truck in Ben Arous, hence her name. She lived in this condition for few months on the streets until Justine found out about her, she was taken to dr.Aymen but it was to late to do anything as her injuries were already healed over her broken back, her back end is paralised and she's incontinent . But Benny Joe is extraordinary happy girl that gives nothing but love, no matter what challenges.❤️
Every day many dogs are injured on the roads of Tunisia. If you want to help Justine to help more of those victims, please donate!


Kira was abandoned  on the beach just because she fell ill.  Fortunately  she was found by Justine and brought to the shelter.❤️‍🩹

With the treatment she is getting better every day ! 


This very scared and injured, 3 legged dog was spotted on the streets of Mornag

in the beginning of December'21 and Justine was notified  

On the 6th of December BooBoo got a new name , was captured

and was on the way to the shelter .

"Booboo has got some horrific injuries from road traffic accident an an amputation of front leg.

Face and back injuries. On his face/cheek he has a 3 inch gash wound that's closed over...

Poor little soul has suffered so long on the streets, where he's been most of his little life"

Booboo is settling in very well, he started to love and trust Justine.

He still needs a vet check, vaccinations and a bit of help with monthly sponsorship;

We are hoping for a successful adoption in time. 🤎

If you want to help Booboo, please donate with a comment "Booboo"


Those kittens were saved after her mum died trying to protect them from a dog attack.😢

they are doing well, getting more confident every day.

Please help us to vaccinate and sterilise those orphans.

We are hoping that they will be adopted and find their forever home soon.


15th December'21

Scrappy was found on the streets of Ben Arous. He is in such a terrible state, hardly recognisable as a dog.💔

He is now being well cared for at the vet, receiving medicine, food and care.

We are hopping that soon he will be well enough to receive lots of love at the shelter

and that soon he will be furry and wagging his tail again.

Any help for Scrappy and similar street emergencies are highly appreciated. 

Update will follow


This poor dog was spotted on the 9th December'21 in Djerba

on the road Sidi Salem Houmet Souk, his front leg is broken or crushed.

Since then the search is ongoing, the dog can not be found :(

Please keep your eyes open, if  you spot him, please don't ignore him, he needs help !!!

If you can not take him to the vet,

please contact Justine, there is someone in Djerba ready to help.